< Privacy Policy/Disclaimer
This website uses Google Analytics and Google AdSense.
Personally Identifiable Information
As a general rule, Dieva does not collect personally privacy about you when you visit this website, unless you choose to provide such information to us.
Email Communications
This website allows you to send us email messages. We will use the information you provide to respond to your inquiry.
Information Collected and Stored Automatically
When you browse through any website, certain information about your visit can be collected. We do not automatically collect any information about your visit.
However Google Analytics and Google AdSense sure does so and they collect among other data:
* Domain from which you access the Internet;
* IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when navigating the internet);
* Operating system and information about the device or browser used when visiting the site;
* Date and time of your visit;
* Content you visited or downloaded; and,
* Website (such as google.com or bing.com) or referral source (email notice or social media site) that connected you to the website.
Currently we do not have any cookies yet. However, we ordered a huge package of cookies. Once they arrive you are free to grab a cookie, have a seat and enjoy the site. For now do not even sit down, just enjoy the site.
Third-Party Websites and Applications
Dieva uses social media websites and other kinds of third-party websites. We use social media websites to engage in dialogue, share information and media, and collaborate with the audience. We may also use these websites to make information and services widely available, while promoting transparency and accountability, as a service for those seeking information about or services from Dieva.
Site Security
Dieva takes the security of all personally identifiable information very seriously. We take precautions to maintain the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the information we collect at this site. Such measures include access controls designed to limit access to the information to the extent necessary to accomplish our mission. We also employ various security technologies to protect the information stored on our systems. We routinely test our security measures to ensure that they remain operational and effective.
Interaction with Children Online
Dieva is committed to the protection of children’s online privacy. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) governs information gathered online from or about children under the age of 13. Verifiable consent from a child’s parent or guardian is required before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from a child under age 13. If the Dieva website intends to collect information from children under 13 years old, COPPA-required information and instructions will be provided by the specific web page that collects information about the child. The web page will specify exactly what the information will be used for, who will see it, and how long it will be kept.
Visiting Other Websites
Our website contains links to international agencies, private organizations, and some commercial entities. These websites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security, or accessibility polices. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the policies of that site.
Privacy Policy Contact Information
We welcome feedback if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or the use of your information. Any additional privacy questions should be directed to us via the information provided in the [contact page](/contact).